Thursday, June 13, 2013

Preparing Your Trophy

If you aren't a veteran of guided hunts you might worry about what happens after you've downed your black bear. Will the outfitting take proper care of this trophy that you have just travelled hundreds or thousands of miles, and spent a fair coin, to bag? With this in mind, I've decided to share what we at Whiteshell Outfitters do to ensure that your trophy is in ideal condition for your taxidermist.

Gus Congemi 2010

We have consulted with taxidermists on how they like to see the black bear that come into their shops and have been advised the following:

Do not do the paws. Leave them as is for the taxidermist. There is too much fine detail work there to be done in the field and taxidermists see too many errors that are hard to fix.
Gus +Live the Wild Life TV

#1 Pope & Young in NORTH AMERICA 2010 

Also:  Leave the head alone. This makes if far easier for your taxidermist to recreate the animal you have taken. He doesn't have to guess about the size and shape of the skull because it is right there.

 22 2/16 and  7' 6" nose to tail

These two simple guidelines that can make all the difference in the world in your trophy mount. Whether you choose to hunt with Whiteshell Outfitters, or elsewhere, you want to make sure that your guide is knowledgeable not only when it comes to hunting, but also in trophy preparation.  You want your trophy to remember adventure and good time.

NOTE: All photos are of the same award winning bear, taken by +Gus Congemi of +Live the Wild Life TV in 2010

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